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Wha ah gwaan? Im Krikon and this is my blog, it's dedicated to everything i find interesting, esp. Reggae but also movies and graphic design. My reviews feature some low-quality, streaming samples but im not an illegal mp3 blog and will never be. Any artist or label who want their samples removed, let me know. If you want your album or movie reviewed here, post in the chat box and i'll get in touch with you.

September 10, 2007

Downloading music, good or bad?

The everlasting question nowadays whit internet and mp3z is wheter it's good or bad to download music, personaly i have been downloading tons of stuff for years and I don't feel bad about it and will continue doing so. But i do also buy as much "real" Cd's as I can (the last few albums I got was 2 Mighty Diamonds cd's and 1 whit Shaka Man) and it also happens that I buy Cd's iv'e already downloaded.

I do not think that downloading is a problem if you make shure that you keep on buying music. Let's make one thing very clear, a lot of these artists only income is from their music and no matter how much our music has grown, IT IS STILL A SMALL GENRE compared to other music. If we see downloading for free as an viable option to buying music we do our beloved Reggae genre a lot of damage. So please, keep buying music no matter how much you download.

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