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Wha ah gwaan? Im Krikon and this is my blog, it's dedicated to everything i find interesting, esp. Reggae but also movies and graphic design. My reviews feature some low-quality, streaming samples but im not an illegal mp3 blog and will never be. Any artist or label who want their samples removed, let me know. If you want your album or movie reviewed here, post in the chat box and i'll get in touch with you.

July 30, 2007

We need a full lenght release now!!!

As we all know, Reggae is a single driven genre and most stuff hits 7 inch singles before it ever comes on Cd, a lot of artists albums are nothing but single collections. I don't know bout you readers but I don't buy vinyl no more and have no equipment to play it.

So it's a shame that the only releases I've found whit the singjay Cali P is on 7' inch vinyl or on riddim collections full of artists I'm not interested in. He needs a full lenght Cd release now, there is plenty of fans who would buy it and I'm one of them.

Until then we have to settle whit downloading whatever we can find whit him, this blogg is not to crazy about linking illegal downloads but search online and you will find enough Cali P to last you until he decides to release an album.

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